This application includes 3 addins and 4 commands.
1. Hanna Balloon Reorder
2. Hanna Partlist
3. Hanna TitleBlock
1. Balloon Re-Order: Re-order the balloon number by clockwise or counter clockwise. You can the balloons one by one and press "ESC" to exit.
2. iProperty Table: Export the Autodesk® Inventor® iProperties to csv file. To define user HannaPartlistConfig.xml, user should need iProperties name. we use the name not the display name of Inventor iProperties. You can find the name of iProperties from Design Tracking Properties.csv and Inventor User Defined Properties.csv.
3. Customize Partlist: you can HannaPartlistConfig.xml to build your partlist. In the xml file, you can the iProperties, fonts size, control the row height, column width, single content or double or several contents in one cell. The text can be compressed if it's exceeding the width of the cell.
4. Update Titleblock: this command help user to change the title block properties to change the iProperties of part/assembly or drawings.